G.R.A.V. La condition d'instabilité de la vision

G.R.A.V. La condition d'instabilité de la vision
02 October_18 December 2010

H.Garcia Rossi J. Parc F. Morellet F. Sobrino J. Stein JP. Yvaral

The GRAV, one of the most significant group phenomena of the 1960s. Founders of a center free from any aesthetic, social and economic pressure. Supporters of the work of art as free from the deformities of tradition and new possibilities of openness and research opportunities. The figure of the unique and isolated artist, the cult of personality and the myth of creation, as well as the production of unique works for the elite and dependence on the art market. A common element, more importantly, is the pursuit of the spectator's participation in the artistic fact: to give art a social function is the main purpose of its work, are rejected.

"There is a great talk about the integration of the arts
There is a great talk about poetic places
There is a great talk about a new art formula
There is a great cry out to the protests that others do not cry out
It takes OPENNES, wehave to get out of the vicious circle that is current art.
Current art is just a formidable bluff.
A mystification of interest
Around a simple activity that is designated as "artistic creation".
The separation between this "artistic creation" and the general public is evident.
The audience is a thousand miles away from the artistic events,
Even from those considered avant-garde.
If there is a social interest in current art,
It must take into account that specific social reality: the spectator".

[Paris, 1965]