In 2018, she received an honorary doctorate from University of the Arts London for her impact and recognised legacy as an international artist. In 2020 she was invited into the Art Workers' Guild as a Brother and in 2022, Burman was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in the Queen's Birthday Honours for services to visual art.




In 2020, Burman was selected to complete the Tate Britain Winter Commission. The resulting hugely popular installation Remembering A Brave New World, addressed the colonial history of Tate Britain and its Eurocentric position.


Burman has since gone on to complete high profile light installation projects Do you see words in rainbows for Covent Garden's historic market stall Liverpool Love of My Life for the Liverpool Town Hall, and Blackpool Light of My for Blackpool's Grade II listed Grundy Art Gallery.  Burman has also featured in Sky Arts documentary special Statues Redressed and BBC2 documentary Art That Made Us, and has completed a number of notable commission pieces for brands including Netflix's White Tiger campaign and Byredo's new fragrance Mumbai Noise.


 Tate liverpool Is working on her  big retrospective for 2025. Just end a show at National Portrait gallery in London as among the 7 finalists for famous fourth plint in Trafalgar Square Commission.

Chila Kumari Singh Burman

lives in London_UK


 Chila Kumari Singh Burman has a widely recognised, unique visual identity that has been shaped by her working class childhood in a Liverpudlian household. Born and raised within the wonderful Punjabi Hindu culture of her parents, Chila's upbringing has shaped her practice, and experience of the world and is one of the key reasons why her works have come to speak to several generations of young multicultural communities in Britain.

With a practice devoted to challenging stereotypes, and placing alternative perspectives of Britishness at the forefront of art history. Her works reach global audiences. She has exhibited widely in both solo and group shows nationally and internationally, and represented Britain at the Havana Biennale in 1996. A number of her works and film pieces are represented in museums and notable public institutions such as the British Council, Victoria and Albert Museum, BFI, Wellcome Collection, Science Museum and Tate. Through this exposure, she has been able to engage with new generations and societies, connecting with the younger generation and emerging artists in the early stages of their practices.

Chila has always had a passion for teaching and engaging with the next generation, having taught at Lahore College of Art and holding a number of popular talks with students across the UK and the wider public. For over 13 years, she has served as a trustee on the board of Rich Mix, a charity celebrating the diversity of London through an aspiring program of contemporary culture. And she has gifted her time and works to raise funds for a number of other charities, more recently this includes a collaboration with Rankin and WaterAid, and the creation of a print for WWF's fight against climate change campaign. She recently featured in Sky Arts' documentary special Statues Redressed, following a number of artists in a unique project reimagining Liverpool's most iconic statues. And has completed a number of notable commission pieces for brands including Netflix's White Tiger campaign and Byredo's new fragrance Mumbai Noise.





In 2017, she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate and Honorary Fellowship from the University of Arts in London for her outstanding contribution to the arts. 


            In 2020, she designed Tate Britain’s façade with a colourful celebration of her Hindu Punjabi upbringing. The culminating piece, remembering a brave new world quite literally lit up London and was widely credited for uplifting the public at the height of a year blighted by the covid-19 pandemic.
More recently she has continued her mission to illuminate London, with recent new neon installations celebrating the beauty in diversity and uplifting the community in do you see words in rainbows, from Covent Garden’s market buildings, Liverpool love of my life adorning Liverpool’s town hall and Blackpool light of my life decorating the Grundy Art Gallery in Blackpool. 

            In 2022 Chila has created a brand new ice cream van, complete with multipcoloured neon Tiger sculpture on top, which will spend the next couple of years travelling the globe for major sporting and cultural events. The Tiger Van begins its journey at The Garden for the UK's GREAT campaign, hosted in Qatar for the World Cup

Inserita nella lista delle 100 donne più influenti del mondo 2023 dalla BBC (novembre 2023)

Chila Kumari Singh Burman è nata e cresciuta all'interno della meravigliosa cultura induista punjabi dei suoi genitori, l'educazione di Chila ha plasmato la sua pratica e la sua esperienza del mondo ed è uno dei motivi principali per cui le sue opere sono arrivate a parlare a diverse generazioni di giovani comunità multiculturali in Gran Bretagna.
Con una pratica dedicata a sfidare gli stereotipi e a mettere in primo piano nella storia dell'arte prospettive alternative di britannicità, le sue opere raggiungono un pubblico globale. Ha esposto ampiamente in mostre personali e collettive a livello nazionale e internazionale e ha rappresentato la Gran Bretagna alla Biennale dell'Avana nel 1996. Alcune delle sue opere e dei suoi film sono presenti in musei e istituzioni pubbliche di rilievo come il British Council, il Victoria and Albert Museum, il BFI, la Wellcome Collection, il Science Museum e la Tate.
Nel 2017 è stata insignita di un dottorato e di una borsa di studio onoraria dall'Università delle Arti di Londra per il suo eccezionale contributo alle arti.

Nel 2020, ha progettato la facciata della TATE BRITAN con una colorata celebrazione della sua educazione hindu punjabi. L'opera culminante, "Remembering a brave new world", ha letteralmente illuminato Londra ed è stata ampiamente accreditata per aver risollevato il pubblico al culmine di un anno funestato dalla pandemia di Covid-19.?Più di recente ha continuato la sua missione di illuminare Londra, con nuove installazioni al neon che celebrano la bellezza della diversità e sollevano la comunità in do you see words in rainbows, dagli edifici del mercato di Covent Garden, Liverpool love of my life che adorna il municipio di Liverpool e Blackpool light of my life che decora la Grundy Art Gallery di Blackpool.
Nel 2022 Chila ha creato un nuovo Ice Cream Van, completo di scultura Tiger al neon multicolore sulla parte superiore, che trascorrerà i prossimi due anni in giro per il mondo in occasione dei principali eventi sportivi e culturali. Il Van ha iniziato il suo viaggio al The Garden per la campagna GREAT del Regno Unito, ospitata in Qatar per i Mondiali di calcio.

Solo nel 2023 Chila ha esposto presso la 14ma Biennale di Gwangju (South Korea), la Biennale di Liverpool, The Somerset House_London, Rich Mix Cultural Foundation_London, presso il famosissimo Eton College_Eton, (UK), Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture, Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, Saket, New Delhi-India, LLUM BCN Festival of Light, Barcelona and Victoria Beckham Store_London.